"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Saturday, March 22, 2014


During my devotion time today, I was just sitting quietly thinking about how much God loved me before I even gave Him a thought. Oh, I believed there was a God and His Son is Jesus Christ, I mean you can’t be born in the Bible Belt, grow up and not be aware of God. I am talking about a PERSONAL  GOD, A MY OWN PERSONAL GOD RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM AND HIS SON JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. A deep down. life changing, mind changing whole way of thinking changing. relationship with GOD.

Have you ever just took the time to be quiet and think on all the ways that God loves us?   Ways that sometimes does not even seem important and we really never give them the thoughtfulness and thankfulness  they deserve.

Before the foundation of the world was laid, God chose the WORD which would become His only begotten Son, Jesus, (Immaneul, God With Us). born of a virgin as a human baby, grow up, live a sinless Earthly life  be betrayed and beaten and be sacrificed on the cross where He shed every drop of His Precious Blood  to pay the sin debt for each of us that would accept  His sacrifice for us and give our lives forever to Him, to serve Him and to proclaim Him as KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS.

This was our debt that the perfect Son of God did not owe, and also our debt that there was no way we could ever pay.  But God did not have to persuade His Son to do this for us.  Jesus  FREELY, LOVINGLY AND IN PERFECT OBEDIENCE, TO HIS FATHER DID THIS FOR EACH OF US.  There is no way we can ever pay for even ONE DROP OF BLOOD  that Jesus shed  for our sins.

Precious reader if you do not have that special life changing relationship with God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, just stop right now and accept with all you heart, your mind your intellect and all of your being the forgiveness of your past sins and become new in the Lord Jesus and from this moment on live each moment for Him.  He is coming soon and very soon for a people that are looking for Him, are you one of these, Oh, how I hope you are.

God’s Blessings and His Love to you,  My Love  Also, Gloria

(C) Copyright 2014 Gloria B. Powell. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Denise said...

This was beautiful, just like you my friend. I love you.