"Jesus said the her, "I am (Myself) the Resurrection and the Life. Whosoever believes in (adheres to, trusts in and relies on) Me, Although he may die yet he shall live." John 3:16 Amplified
When we accept Jesus into our hearts by faith because of His Supreme Sacrifice for everyone by His freely giving His life and shedding His blood as an innocent Lamb on the cross, we also accept the eternal life that our faith in Him brings to us.
If we die before His return for His redeemed people, those that died in faith believing that they will live eternally with God in Heaven will hear the trumpet sound on the day of His returning to gather up His redeemed souls.
The dead in Christ will rise first then those which are still alive on this earth will join them in the air to live forever with our Savior. Just imagine He has been preparing a home for His redeemed for over 2000 years now, the Bible tells us that we can never comprehend with our human minds what our heavenly home will be like.
Dear precious reader, please stay in the Word of God as much as you can. The "day of the Lord" is very, very near. I know that we have heard all our lives that the coming of the Lord is near. It is nearer now than it has ever been. Please stay in the Word, stay in prayer. Keep your lives in sync with Jesus and know at all times that all is right between you and God. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in your mind and heart He will never lead you astray, but will keep you close to God.You can know that you are ready to hear the trumpet sound that will take His redeemed home to be with Him forever, eternally without end.
Precious reader if we do not heed the calling of the Holy Spirit drawing us to accept Jesus as our personal savior and we miss hearing the trumpet sound as Jesus calls His redeemed home to Himself, those that are left upon this earth will experience the most tragic and terrible time that has ever been upon this earth.
God, who has been so loving and patient with us will remove His mercy and a time of seven years of tribulation will cover this earth. Please do not take the chance of missing out on hearing the trumpet sound, signaling the Lords' return to take His believers home. Nothing, NO NOTHING, is worth missing His coming for His believers and having to live through the seven awful, terrible years of the time of tribulation.
Please, right now, bow your head and repent of your sins and wrong doing and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. It is so simple to become a child of God (1) Admit that you are a sinner, (2) Believe that Jesus died on the cross just for you to forgive you of your sins, (3) Confess your sins to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you of every sin, Not only will He forgive you of everything you have ever done that you thought was too terrible to be forgiven of, but he will wash you as white as snow, you are now a NEW creature in Jesus Christ. Tell someone, "I am a new creature in Jesus Christ". I have given up my old ways Jesus has put a new nature in me. Find a good Bible believing Church and start attending. Read the Word diligently and pray every chance you get, each time you think you have made a mistake and do not be afraid that you will sin and not know it, the Holy Spirit will gently nudge you and tell you not to do that. And if we do sin all we have to do is ask for Jesus' forgiveness and GO on from there a new creature. God has forgotten your past do not let satan remind you of it ever again, it is gone it has been covered by the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS.
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He (even) gave up His only begotten (unique) Son so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting life). John 3:16 Amplified
Copyright 2011 Gloria B. Powell. All rights reserved.