"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Monday, December 5, 2011


"Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking  [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.. For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking [the door] will be opened." Matthew 7:7,8 Amplified Version

In 2001 my daughter had a special hand made necklace made for me at her favorite jewelers.  She and the jeweler worked together to get just the right design.  It is a beautiful delicate creation, I loved it at once.While she and I were admiring the necklace she noticed a small piece that the jeweler had neglected to attach properly.  She asked me to put the necklace in a safe container and when she returned home she would take it back to the jeweler and have it repaired. So I put it away in a safe place.

When she started to go back home I forgot to give her the necklace and when she arrived at home she called me and ask me to find the necklace and send it to her certified and insured.

Well, I could not find the piece of jewelry anywhere I looked I was broken hearted and she said, "mama just keep on looking I am sure you will find it."

Dear readers that was ten years ago, over the years I would go into a drawer where I keep stuff, you know the stuff you keep just because, and I would always notice a small porcelain box, I would wonder what if anything was in the box but I never took time to open the box to look inside.

Last week I was looking for something in the drawer and again I saw the small porcelain box, I picked up the box and shook it and heard a sound, I wondered what could be inside, so, I opened the box....low and behold there was my necklace that had been lost for ten years. " If only", I think that is one of the most repeated statements of regret in our lives. If only, I had opened the box ten years ago when I first noticed it I could have had my necklace fixed and been enjoying it these many years.

Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart with these thoughts, "Just as you looked and looked for the necklace, and it was right there all this time safe in your stuff drawer, you ask and ask for my will and way in situations in your life.  The answer is always in my Word and your prayers to Me. 

We read the Word, maybe one or two chapters, and pray for a few minutes and if the answer does not come immediately we get discouraged.  The secret, No there is no secret  to what God can and will do,  the answer is do not do as I did with the little porcelain box just wonder what is in it and put it aside, but to open the box, look into its contents.

When the Holy Spirit prompts us to read the Word and pray, He does not mean for five or ten minutes, He means TO READ THE WORD AND PRAY UNTIL THE ANSWER COMES FROM THE VERY THRONE OF GOD TO US.

Dear precious readers, we must make the time each day to read His Word, and to speak with Him in prayer, not just "now I lay me down to sleep prayer", but fervent Prayer, the kind of prayer that brings us His answers that we need. I do not mean just randomly read the Word, but with a purpose and a made up mind to devour His Word. They are our instructions to live in this day and time, to make His Word  such a part of our vocabulary and life that we become as prophets of old,  declaring His love for us and also the wrath that is to come during  the time of tribulation.  

His Word to us  declares His Unlimited Love for us.  A love so powerful that He freely gave His life on the cross to die for our sins and to make provision through His shed blood on that cross, that if we just believe in Him as our Savior, He will apply His Blood to our sins and make them  white as snow.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your Personal Savior just stop now and pray this prayer, "Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner, please cover all my sins with the blood you shed for me on the cross, and make my life new and white as snow. I believe you are the Son of God, I now accept you as my Personal Savior, I will live each day exclusively for you, I will read your Word and Pray every day, thank you for saving me and making me one of your children." Amen

Now that you have accepted Him as your Personal Savior, find a Bible believing Church and start attending regularly, we must have fellowship with other Christians they will pray for you and help you to get your "feet on the ground" and to grow as Christian.

When we accept Him as our Savior, we no longer live for ourselves, but we live exclusively for Him and for what He wants us to do for His Honor and Glory.  Dear Reader do not think of this as a hard task He has promised in His Word that when we let Him put His yoke on us and become in yoke with Him, He has promised "that His yoke is easy and His burden is light." being in yoke with Jesus is the only way we can live in this present world and be at  complete peace and be completely happy.  

I love you and pray for you daily.  I hope for you a full life in God and His abundant blessings,
Love Gloria

Copyright 2011 Gloria B. Powell. All rights reserved.