"We love him, because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19
"Oh, how I love Jesus because he first loved me." After a few minute's the Holy Spirit prompted me to get out of bed and come to my room where I study and read my different Bible translations and I have five or six devotion books that I read during the day, especially devotion books written by Oswald Chambers and Sarah Young.
I began to really think and dwell on the words of the chorus. Jesus first loved me, before I was even aware of Him and His sacrifice of giving his life on the cross for me and for all mankind. He loved me when I was a child growing up. My family lived just across the dirt road from the church. I remember even as a child when my Sunday school teacher would tell the class of His love for us, it would make me feel so warm and safe deep inside.
He loved me all through my years of growing up, becoming a teenager, graduating from high school, and starting to work.
I did not go to church regularly during those years, but God loved me and I could feel His call to me by His Holy Spirit. Even though I did not fully surrender my life to Him until I was 24 years old, I could feel His Holy Spirit saying to me, "I Love You, I Love You." "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 KJV
When I fully surrendered my life to Jesus and let His precious Blood cover my sins, I began to fall completely in love with Him. The more I studied my Bible, the more I wanted to study. The more I talked with Him in prayer the more I wanted to talk and communicate with Him. Praying and communing with the One that willingly gave His life for you and me becomes the most natural and precious part of our life. We want to be in constant conversation with Him. Sitting in a crowded room, no, I do not talk outloud to Him , but my spirit communicates with His Holy Spirit. at home sometimes we communicate quietly, sometimes out loud. Driving alone in the car is one of my favorite times to talk with Him. I can talk as loud or as soft as a baby's whisper, it does not matter. Just the very act of talking with Him is the most natural thing anyone willl ever do. Our spirit just is not complete without communication with the One who died for our sins and made us whole in Him. I love to go outside very early in the morning, hear the birds singing, and lift my hands toward heaven, throw my head back and shout out loud, "JESUS I LOVE YOU."
It still amazes me that Jesus Christ so willingly gave himself over to the tormentors to be broken, bruised and humiliated as no one before or since has ever been tormented. Then to willingly walk up Calvary's hill lay down on the cross, have His precious hands and feet nailed into the wood, and say, "FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO." Never before or since has such love been shown for all mankind to make a way that we can spend eternity with Him.
It has never been the will of God for anyone to go to hell. Hell was meant for satan and his fallen angels. That is why God sent His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to earth to willingly shed his precious blood and die for our sins so that we could escape hell. God NEVER sends anyone to hell. Because God gave mankind the right to free choice, the person chooses whether they will spend eternity with God in heaven or eternity with satan in hell. Precious reader, we make our own choice where we will spend eternity. God has done everything He can to keep us out of hell, please ask Jesus into your heart today, to forgive you of your sins and ungodly way of living and let Jesus's precious blood cover your sins, no sin is so bad that Jesus will not forgive you and make your black heart, new and pure like white snow.
Please, do not turn Him away any more. Just surrender your life to Him, I promise you, He is holding out His hand to you right now begging you to love Him as He first loved you.
Copyright 2011 Gloria B. Powell. All rights reserved.
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